January 17, 2009

Little Red Riding Hood the Flasher.

Inspired to draw Little Red Riding Hood. Doodled on paper, did body+cape lines in Illus, picked colour pallete, then suddenly got bored.

So now there’s Little Red Riding Hood the Wicked Flasher.

Little Red Riding Hood the Flasher

Little Red Riding Hood the Flasher

January 10, 2009

Don’t Understand Tech Trend

Technology trend that I don't understand

Technology trend that I don't understand

October 10, 2008

Protected: In Response to Concerned Family and Friends

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August 10, 2008

Life in a Basement

In a week I’ll be moving along with Andrea and Anna to the new house.
Being a small town, the new house ‘at the opposite end of the town’ means that we have to walk all of fifteen minutes to get there from the current one.

My new room will be in the basement, a surprisingly nice wood-panelled little room in the corner, surrounded by cold unpainted cement walls and labyrinth-like ways leading to the washing room, the engine room, and some kind of a pit that I do not want to think what it was for.

I seem to always end up in a basement eventually.

At least this time, there will be no wall-to-wall cabinet filled with life-like dolls, their large glassy eyes fixed unseeingly toward a poster bed. My poster bed. No wonder why the family used it primarily as a storage room. ‘Creepy’ doesn’t even begin to cover it.

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July 31, 2008

I’m a balanced sort of guy

via Escribitionist and @celerachan

Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 40%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 60%

And how was this analysed?

Site Male-Female Ratio
google.com 0.98
youtube.com 1
facebook.com 0.83
flickr.com 1.15
tv.com 0.96
deviantart.com 1.02
mininova.org 1.63

Curiously, not many female visitors on Mininova? Youtube has perfectly distributed demography of viewers? Are blokes that interested in seeing what’s on TV? I thought random channel-surfing was a male-thing.

In any case, perhaps they forgot one ingenious invention in the history of internet:
Porn-site History wash :D

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